The great helmsman

PODCAST:The Prince
TITLE:The great helmsman
DATE:2022-09-28 00:00:00

In episode 8 of "The Prince," titled "The Great Helmsman," host Sulyn Wong discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Xi Jinping's leadership and China. The episode starts with a reference to the HBO series "Chernobyl," which becomes a metaphor for the COVID-19 crisis in China, drawing parallels between the Soviet Union's handling of the Chernobyl disaster and the Chinese government's initial response to the pandemic.

The episode highlights the Chinese government's early efforts to suppress information about the outbreak in Wuhan, including the reprimanding of eight doctors for rumor-mongering. This suppression led to widespread anger and distrust among the Chinese people, particularly after the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, who had tried to warn about the virus.

Xi Jinping, aware of the Soviet Union's collapse post-Chernobyl, is determined to avoid a similar fate for China. He takes personal command of the COVID response, emphasizing his leadership role. The episode describes the severe lockdowns in Wuhan and Shanghai, the struggles of residents, and the government's efforts to control the narrative, painting Xi as a strong leader effectively managing the crisis.

Murong Xuecun, a Chinese writer and critic of the government, shares his experiences and observations of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. He details the harsh realities of the lockdown and the government's heavy-handed approach, including the story of Jin Feng, a cleaner at a hospital who contracted the virus and whose husband eventually died from it.

The podcast discusses the broader implications of China's COVID-19 strategy, including the economic impact and the increase in government surveillance and control. Despite the challenges, the Communist Party has managed to maintain its grip on power, partly by fostering a narrative of success in controlling the virus and protecting the Chinese people.

As the episode concludes, it explores the upcoming National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and the implications for Xi Jinping's future as China's leader. The podcast suggests that COVID-19, rather than being Xi's Chernobyl moment leading to a downfall, has instead solidified his control and the party's dominance, although it acknowledges the potential vulnerabilities in Xi's leadership and the party's future.

Overall, "The Great Helmsman" provides a nuanced look at Xi Jinping's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, examining both the internal and external challenges he faces and the strategies he employs to maintain power in China.