Will there be a billion climate refugees?

PODCAST:More or Less: Behind the Stats
TITLE:Will there be a billion climate refugees?
DATE:2023-12-02 00:00:00

This episode of "More or Less: Behind the Stats" explores the claim that there could be a billion climate migrants by the end of the century due to climate change. Here are the key points:

  1. Origin of the Claim:

    • The concept that climate change could lead to a billion migrants has been a topic of discussion for several years. Former US Vice President Al Gore mentioned this number in the context of climate refugees.
  2. Challenges in Prediction:

    • Predictions often involve models that assume a certain percentage of people in vulnerable areas will move due to climate impacts. However, these numbers have varied significantly in different studies, with some suggesting double to ten times the risk compared to the general population.
  3. Internal Displacement vs. Cross-Border Migration:

    • Research shows that most climate-induced displacement is short-term and within national borders. People tend to move short distances and temporarily, with many returning home once conditions improve.
  4. Financial Barriers to Migration:

    • Migration is expensive and often requires significant resources. Those most affected by climate change (the poorest in society) may lack the resources to migrate, leading to situations where they are trapped in vulnerable areas.
  5. Complexity of Migration Reasons:

    • Migration is influenced by various factors, including economic opportunities, education, and personal reasons. Climate change is one of many factors that can contribute to migration decisions.
  6. Human Adaptation and Response:

    • Predictions often do not account for human adaptation to climate change, such as building flood defenses or changing agricultural practices. These efforts can mitigate the impact of climate change and reduce the need for migration.
  7. Skepticism Around Large Numbers:

    • Large, round numbers in predictions should be approached with caution. The prediction of a billion climate migrants does not align well with current evidence and understanding of migration patterns.

The episode emphasizes that while climate change will undoubtedly impact many people's lives and may lead to increased migration, the idea of a billion climate migrants, especially in the form of mass cross-border migration, is not supported by current evidence and understanding.