Our Critics' Year in Reading

PODCAST:The Book Review
TITLE:Our Critics' Year in Reading
DATE:2023-12-08 00:00:00

In this episode of the "Book Review" podcast titled "Our Critics' Year in Reading," host Gilbert Cruz, editor of the New York Times Book Review, conducts a roundtable discussion with the daily critics about their year in reading. The episode features insights from Dwight Garner, Jennifer Zalai, and Alexandra Jacobs on a variety of books and themes. Key points from the episode include:

  1. Late Books from American Masters: Dwight Garner discusses books by Richard Ford, Laurie Moore, and Ann Beatty, describing them as late works from established American authors. He delves into each author's unique contributions and how these works reflect their career trajectories.

  2. Newer Voices in Fiction: Alexandra Jacobs highlights newer novelists, including Ile McElroy and their novel "People Collide," which explores intriguing themes and innovative storytelling.

  3. Exploration of Reality: Jennifer Zalai reflects on William Eganton's "The Rigor of Angels," a book that explores the nature of reality through the perspectives of influential figures like Boorhays, Heisenberg, and Kant. She appreciates the book's ability to provoke deep thought on complex topics.

  4. Memoirs and Biographies: Alexandra Jacobs discusses compelling memoirs like "Country of the Blind" by Andrew Leeland and "Fatherland" by Burkhardt Bilger, which delve into personal stories and historical contexts. Dwight Garner talks about biographies he reviewed, including those of Martin Luther King, Larry McMurtry, and Robert Johnson.

  5. Books that Challenge Perception: Both Dwight and Jen highlight books that challenge conventional perceptions and push boundaries, such as "Bottoms Up and the Devil Laughs" by Carrie Howley, which delves into surveillance and the nature of reality.

  6. Reading Preferences and Practices: The critics share their personal reading preferences and habits, including their approaches to selecting books and the types of stories that resonate with them.

  7. Looking Ahead: The episode concludes with the critics discussing their plans for the end of the year, including catching up on movies, reading books outside of work obligations, and exploring new literary interests.

Overall, the episode offers a rich discussion of the books that shaped the critics' year, highlighting a range of genres and themes that reflect the diversity and depth of contemporary literature.