Has ‘retirement’ had its day?

PODCAST:Working It
TITLE:Has ‘retirement’ had its day?
DATE:2023-12-19 00:00:00

In this episode of "Working It" from the Financial Times, host Isabelle Berwick explores the concept of retirement and its evolving nature in today's work culture. The episode features insights from Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Harvard University and columnist at The Atlantic, and Michael Skapinka, a former Financial Times journalist who now leads a three-part life as a writer, executive and leadership educator, and a qualified counselor.

Key points from the episode include:

  1. Redefining Retirement: The episode challenges the traditional view of retirement, suggesting that it doesn't have to mean disengagement from professional life. Instead, retirement can be an opportunity for continued contribution in a different capacity or on one's own terms.

  2. Arthur C. Brooks' Perspective: Brooks discusses the relationship between work and happiness, emphasizing the importance of progress and adaptation in one's career, especially after 50. He advocates for a shift from focusing on individual problem-solving to leveraging one's experience in mentorship and team-building roles.

  3. Michael Skapinka's Experience: Skapinka shares his journey from being a staff journalist to embracing a diversified professional life post-retirement. He highlights the importance of maintaining physical fitness, cultivating interests outside of work, and nurturing personal relationships.

  4. Letting Go of Work Identity: The episode addresses the challenge of letting go of a career that defines one's identity. It suggests focusing on what genuinely brings happiness and fulfillment rather than clinging to status and recognition.

  5. Advice for Transitioning: For those contemplating retirement or a career shift, the episode advises listening to one's instincts about job satisfaction, exploring new interests, and redefining personal measures of success.

  6. Challenges of Forced Retirement: For individuals facing sudden retirement due to redundancy or other factors, the episode recommends acknowledging the loss, taking pride in past achievements, and exploring new opportunities.

In summary, "Working It" presents a nuanced view of retirement, encouraging listeners to rethink their approach to work and life balance as they age. The episode advocates for a more flexible and fulfilling concept of retirement that aligns with individual happiness and growth.