The Intelligence: searching for the elixir of life

PODCAST:The Intelligence from The Economist
TITLE:The Intelligence: searching for the elixir of life
DATE:2023-12-22 00:00:00

The episode of "The Intelligence" podcast titled "The Intelligence: Searching for the Elixir of Life" covers a variety of topics. Hosts Ora Ugunbi and Jason Palmer discuss three main subjects:

  1. The Quest for Anti-Aging Treatments: Jeffrey Carr, The Economist's Science Editor-at-Large, discusses recent scientific discoveries that suggest the possibility of extending a healthy human lifespan significantly. He explores various approaches to aging, including calorie restriction and molecules that mimic this effect, the clearance of aged cells, and the potential to rejuvenate tissue. The discussion also touches on the moral and societal implications of extending human lifespans.

  2. The Impact of Ad-Free Digital Services: The podcast examines how tech giants like Meta, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat are offering ad-free versions of their platforms for a fee. Tongue Wainwright, The Economist's Media Editor, explains the trend of moving away from ad-supported models due to changing online advertising dynamics, privacy laws, and tech platforms' policies. The episode explores how this shift affects companies' strategies to reach consumers and the potential of new ad spaces in various industries.

  3. The History of the Poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas': The episode celebrates the 200th anniversary of the famous Christmas poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' (also known as "A Visit from St. Nicholas"). Culture correspondent Max Norman discusses the poem's influence on modern Christmas traditions, its origins, and its role in transforming Christmas from a public celebration to a more family-oriented holiday. The podcast highlights the poem's impact on shaping contemporary Christmas imagery and practices.

Throughout the episode, the hosts engage in discussions that provide insights into these topics, emphasizing the implications of scientific advancements in anti-aging, the evolving landscape of digital advertising, and the cultural significance of a cherished Christmas poem.