The Afterlife of a Gun

TITLE:The Afterlife of a Gun
DATE:2024-01-09 00:00:00

In the episode titled "The Afterlife of a Gun" from "The Daily" podcast, hosted by Natalie Kitroweth, Mike McIntyre investigates the complex issue of gun disposal in the United States. The focus is on the challenges and unintended consequences of local efforts to eliminate unwanted firearms.

The podcast reveals a surprising reality: many guns intended for destruction are not completely demolished. Instead, a company named Gunbusters, which advertises itself as a gun destruction service, is actually dismantling these firearms and selling their parts online, effectively fueling a secondary market. Gunbusters only destroys the receiver or frame of the gun, which is legally considered the firearm. The remaining parts, which can be reassembled into functional guns, are sold as kits. This process, while legal, contradicts the intention of completely removing these guns from circulation.

The episode also examines how law enforcement agencies and local governments handle unwanted guns, including those acquired through buyback programs. It highlights the legal and regulatory complexities surrounding firearm disposal and the role of private companies in this process. The investigation underscores the challenges in efforts to reduce gun violence and the proliferation of firearms in the United States.