Is the US ghosting Ukraine?

PODCAST:Today, Explained
TITLE: Is the US ghosting Ukraine?
DATE:2024-01-09 00:00:00

The "Today Explained" podcast episode titled "Is the US ghosting Ukraine," dated January 9, 2024, discusses the critical situation in Ukraine as it struggles to cope with the ongoing war with Russia. The episode focuses on several key aspects:

  1. Interview with a Ukrainian Soldier: The episode features an anonymous Ukrainian soldier who shares his experiences on the Eastern Front. He talks about the daily challenges, the need for humor to cope with the grim reality, and the loss of fellow soldiers and civilians. He emphasizes the dire need for more military resources to combat the Russian army.

  2. Situation on the Ground in Ukraine: Luke Harding from The Guardian provides an on-ground perspective, highlighting that the Russians are slowly advancing. He mentions the massive Russian assaults and the high casualties on both sides. The situation is described as reminiscent of World War I, with a mix of modern warfare elements.

  3. Ukraine's Dependency on Western Aid: The episode highlights Ukraine's heavy reliance on military aid from the West, especially the United States. The decreasing supply of munitions is affecting Ukraine’s ability to push back against Russian forces.

  4. Congressional Funding for Ukraine: Andrew Desiderio, a Congressional Reporter for Punch Bowl News, explains the current stalemate in the U.S. Congress regarding additional funding for Ukraine. He discusses how the funding issue has become entangled with U.S. domestic politics, particularly concerning the U.S.-Mexico border.

  5. Partisan Politics Affecting Aid: The episode delves into the internal U.S. political dynamics that are complicating the aid process for Ukraine. It highlights how the issue has become a point of contention within the Republican Party, influenced by former President Donald Trump's stance and the shift towards isolationist policies.

  6. Impact of War on Ukrainian Civilians: Harding provides insight into the war's impact on Ukrainian civilians, describing the constant air assaults, the psychological toll, and the pervasive sense of loss and exhaustion among the people.

  7. Future of U.S. Support for Ukraine: The episode concludes with a discussion on the potential consequences for Ukraine if the U.S. withdraws its support, especially in the context of the upcoming U.S. presidential election and the possibility of a change in administration.

Overall, the episode paints a grim picture of the ongoing war in Ukraine, highlighting the challenges faced by the Ukrainian military and civilians, the crucial role of Western military aid, and the complex interplay of U.S. domestic politics in shaping foreign policy towards Ukraine.