What to know about ketamine after Matthew Perry’s death

PODCAST:The Global Story
TITLE:What to know about ketamine after Matthew Perry’s death
DATE:2024-01-11 00:00:00

In this episode of "The Global Story," hosted by Katya Adler from the BBC World Service, the focus is on ketamine and its increasing use in therapy for depression, particularly following the death of actor Matthew Perry. The episode features Dean Burnett, a neuroscientist, and Celia Morgan, Professor of Psychopharmacology at the University of Exeter, as they discuss various aspects of ketamine.

Key points from the podcast include:

  1. Ketamine's History and Usage: Originally developed as an anesthetic in the 1960s, ketamine is widely used in hospitals for anesthesia and pain management. Recently, its rapid antidepressant effects have garnered attention. In 2019, a form of ketamine was licensed for the treatment of depression.

  2. Legal Status and Use as a Party Drug: Despite its medical applications, ketamine is still under strict control in many regions. It's often used illegally as a party drug, and clinics offering ketamine therapy have been increasing, particularly in the US.

  3. Treatment for Depression: Ketamine has shown promising results in treating depression, especially where traditional antidepressants have failed. It acts on the brain to enhance plasticity, potentially aiding in breaking psychological ruts associated with depression.

  4. Risks and Dangers: Ketamine therapy poses risks, including potential dependency and physical harm, especially when used recreationally in high doses. It's also risky to self-administer ketamine at home due to its incapacitating effects.

  5. Matthew Perry's Death: The death of Matthew Perry, who was undergoing ketamine therapy, has raised concerns. While ketamine therapy was not directly responsible for his death, high levels of ketamine found in his body at the time of death highlight the dangers of unsupervised use.

  6. Regulatory Caution: The FDA and other regulatory bodies warn that ketamine's safety and efficacy as a psychiatric treatment are not fully proven. There's a need for more research and caution in its application.

  7. Psychedelic Drug Therapy: The podcast touches on the broader context of psychedelic drugs for mental health treatment, including the potential benefits and the need for careful regulation and research.

  8. Big Business and Misinformation: The increasing popularity of ketamine therapy has also led to commercial interests potentially overshadowing scientific and medical considerations, along with the spread of misinformation.

  9. Conclusion: Both experts agree that ketamine has significant potential as a treatment for depression, but caution and proper regulation are crucial to prevent misuse and understand its long-term effects.

Overall, the podcast provides an insightful discussion on ketamine's therapeutic potential, risks, and the need for a balanced approach in its use for mental health treatment.