BBC OS Conversations on graduate unemployment

PODCAST:The Documentary Podcast
TITLE:BBC OS Conversations on graduate unemployment
DATE:2024-01-13 00:00:00

In the "The Documentary Podcast" episode titled "BBC OS Conversations on Graduate Unemployment," aired on January 13, 2024, the focus is on the challenges that recent graduates face in finding employment. The episode highlights stories from various graduates across the world, discussing the difficulties in securing a job post-graduation and the strategies they've adopted to cope with these challenges.

The podcast starts with a conversation with Priyanka, a graduate based in London, who shares her experience of applying to around 800 jobs and facing rejections, emphasizing the competitive and demoralizing job market for entry-level positions. Similarly, Shom from India, who pursued further studies in law after initially struggling to find a job with a business management degree, talks about his journey and the challenges of finding employment in his field.

Justice, a Nigerian graduate, shares his experience of unemployment for four years and how he opted to learn graphic designing as an alternative to generate income. The episode also features a story from Sevoepake Peliso from South Africa, who started her own organic soap business after facing difficulties in finding a job post-graduation in Applied Microbiology.

The podcast sheds light on the global issue of youth unemployment, particularly focusing on countries like China and India, where the unemployment rates among young graduates are alarmingly high. The episode underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unemployment, as well as the potential for entrepreneurship as an alternative career path.

Listeners are given insights into the emotional toll of job rejections, the value of networking, and the necessity of exploring alternative career options when traditional paths prove challenging. The episode concludes with advice from the guests to current students and recent graduates on how to navigate the challenging job market.