The Intelligence: is Germany al[t]right?

PODCAST:The Intelligence from The Economist
TITLE:The Intelligence: is Germany al[t]right?
DATE:2024-01-23 00:00:00

The "Intelligence" podcast from The Economist, hosted by Ora Ugunbi, covers diverse topics, ranging from the social dynamics in Japan to the economic value of pennies in Britain. The episode opens with a discussion on recent mass demonstrations in Germany against the growing anti-immigrant sentiment associated with the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD). The protests, one of the biggest in the country this century, were sparked by reports of a secretive meeting where expelling immigrants was discussed. Despite the AfD's denial of involvement, the revelations have stirred significant concern over a potential resurgence of fascism.

The podcast then transitions to Japan, examining the evolving role of women in the workforce. Traditionally, Japanese women faced social and legal pressures to quit their jobs after marriage or childbirth. However, Japan's aging and shrinking labor market, along with a gradual shift in cultural norms, has led to more women remaining employed. The segment highlights the challenges women face in balancing work and family responsibilities and underscores the need for broader societal changes, including more active participation by men in childcare and domestic tasks.

The episode concludes with a focus on the British penny and its diminishing economic value. Due to inflation and a shift away from cash transactions, the penny's purchasing power has significantly decreased. The report discusses how Britain's decision to decimalize its currency system in 1971 has impacted the value of the penny over time. With the cost of producing a penny now exceeding its face value, there's speculation about the future of this coin in circulation.

Overall, the podcast provides insights into significant social and economic shifts in Germany and Japan, along with a unique perspective on Britain's currency system.