American assassins operating in Yemen

PODCAST:The Global Story
TITLE:American assassins operating in Yemen
DATE:2024-01-23 00:00:00

The podcast "The Global Story" from the BBC World Service, hosted by Katia Adler, features an investigative report on the activities of American assassins operating in Yemen. The episode, guided by BBC's investigative reporter Nawal Al-Makhafi, delves into a complex scenario involving American mercenaries hired by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to carry out assassinations in Yemen.

Al-Makhafi, a Yemeni-born journalist, shares her personal connection to Yemen, providing a nuanced perspective on the unfolding events. The investigation uncovers a shadowy operation where a group of American mercenaries, working for a company called Spear Operations Group, are contracted by the UAE to assassinate specific targets in Yemen. These targets, initially believed to be terrorists, include individuals like a prominent politician Anasaf Mayou and human rights lawyer Huda Sarari.

The podcast highlights the geopolitical intricacies of the Yemen conflict, particularly the role of the UAE and its alliance with Saudi Arabia against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The mercenaries, believing they were combating terrorism, were given lists of targets by the UAE. However, the investigation reveals that many of these targets were political activists or critics of human rights abuses, rather than terrorists.

This revelation raises serious questions about the ethics and legality of mercenary warfare, the role of external powers in Yemen’s conflict, and the broader implications for international politics and human rights. The mercenaries' actions, under UAE directives, contributed to an atmosphere of fear and chaos in Yemen, which had lasting impacts on the region's stability and the ongoing conflict.

The episode not only sheds light on the complex dynamics of the Yemeni conflict but also underscores the consequences of foreign intervention in internal conflicts, the blurred lines between counter-terrorism and political assassinations, and the profound human cost of such shadowy operations.