Sarah Kirshbaum Levy on the Value of Marketing

PODCAST:Masters in Business
TITLE:Sarah Kirshbaum Levy on the Value of Marketing
DATE:2024-01-25 00:00:00

The podcast "Masters in Business" featured an interview with Sarah Kirschbaum Levy, CEO of Betterment. The conversation revolved around her journey in media, marketing, and finance. Initially working at Disney and then as a summer intern at Goldman Sachs, Levy's career was influenced by her love for media. Her stint at Disney helped her understand the power of brands and intellectual property. Afterward, she played a significant role at Nickelodeon, part of Viacom Media Networks, contributing significantly to brand building and marketing.

Levy's move to Betterment, a digital asset management firm, may have seemed surprising, but she found that many skills from her previous experiences were transferable. With Betterment now managing over $40 billion, Levy discusses the importance of understanding customer segments, the role of technology in enhancing user experience, and how operational efficiency is crucial in any business. The discussion also touched upon how large companies face challenges in adapting to digital disruptions, similar to what happened in the media industry with the advent of streaming services.

In the latter part of the podcast, Levy shares insights on Betterment's strategy in the digital investment platform market. She highlights the importance of branding and marketing in finance, just as in media. The company's approach of embracing technology to improve services while understanding the limitations and roles of AI in the financial sector was also discussed. Levy reflects on the importance of starting early in investing, appreciating the power of compounding, and being aware of costs and taxes that can impact investment returns.