Will artificial intelligence erode our rights?

PODCAST:The Real Story
TITLE:Will artificial intelligence erode our rights?
DATE:2024-01-26 00:00:00

This episode of "The Real Story" from the BBC discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on our lives and freedoms. The panel includes Scott Neekham, Director of Scalar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Karen Howe, a journalist and data scientist from The Atlantic, and Professor Philip Torr, a specialist in AI at the University of Oxford.

The program explores various aspects of AI, starting with its potential benefits in fields like healthcare, transportation, and education. The panelists express hope that AI will empower humans rather than replace them, highlighting its role in scientific discoveries, drug development, and enhancing job performance.

However, the conversation quickly shifts to the risks and challenges posed by AI, particularly in terms of privacy and rights. Concerns are raised about AI's role in surveillance, data collection, and the potential for perpetuating biases and discrimination. For instance, facial recognition technology and predictive models used by law enforcement and other sectors can lead to wrongful arrests and reinforce existing prejudices.

The discussion also covers the threat of AI to democratic norms through sophisticated disinformation campaigns, deep fakes, and the erosion of trust in media. The panelists stress the need for transparency and oversight in AI development and application to prevent misuse by corporations, governments, or bad actors.

The episode then delves into the European Union's AI Act, which aims to regulate AI applications and address issues like social scoring, predictive policing, and biometric surveillance. The Act proposes banning certain uses of AI, emphasizing transparency and accountability, and safeguarding against discrimination.

The panel concludes by reflecting on how to prepare for a world increasingly influenced by AI. They suggest the need for better labor protections, strong independent institutions, and international cooperation to regulate AI and ensure that its benefits are shared equitably. The overarching message is the importance of not anthropomorphizing AI and viewing it as a tool that should be controlled and used for human benefit.