Introducing: Swamp Notes from The FT News Briefing

TITLE:Introducing: Swamp Notes from The FT News Briefing
DATE:2024-02-05 00:00:00

In the latest episode of FT Tech Tonic titled "Introducing Swamp Notes from The FT News Briefing," the Financial Times introduces a new weekend podcast aimed at providing in-depth analysis and insights into the 2024 U.S. presidential election. With the election campaign in full swing and former President Donald Trump leading in the latest polling averages, the political landscape is bustling with news. Swamp Notes promises to slow down the pace and delve beyond the surface of weekly election developments. Every Saturday morning, FT journalists will dissect major election stories, moving past the superficial horse race coverage to examine the broader themes and motivations driving the campaigns. The podcast also aims to highlight the peculiarities and unexpected aspects of election news, offering listeners a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the evolving political scene.