The Art of the Essay

PODCAST:Past Present Future
TITLE:The Art of the Essay
DATE:2023-12-14 00:00:00

Summary of the "Past Present Future" Podcast Episode: "The Art of the Essay"

  • Podcast Title: "Past Present Future"
  • Episode Title: "The Art of the Essay"
  • Date: December 14, 2023
  • Duration: 51 minutes
  • File Name: "20231214Past Present FutureThe Art of the Essay___65797fea3f126e00121ddabd.mp3"

Key Points Discussed:

  1. Essays in the 2020s: The episode addresses whether contemporary essays can match the quality of historical ones. The conclusion is affirmative, as there are more platforms for essays now, allowing a wide range of voices and styles. The podcast discusses the ubiquity of the essay format in blogs and other media.

  2. Montaigne's Legacy: The episode delves into the significance of Montaigne, the inventor of the essay form, and questions whether the first practitioner of a genre can indeed be its best. It compares Montaigne's influence to Shakespeare's in literature.

  3. The Personal and Universal in Essays: The podcast highlights the unique ability of essays to reflect the human condition and to shift perspectives from personal to universal themes within a small scope of writing.

  4. Jie Yang Fan's Essay: The episode discusses a 2020 essay by Jie Yang Fan, "How My Mother and I Became Chinese Propaganda." This essay is highlighted for its exploration of personal experiences and larger socio-political themes, including the experience of Chinese Americans, the impact of COVID-19, and issues of public and private identity.

  5. Exploration of Themes in Fan's Essay: The podcast examines the essay's themes, such as exile, power dynamics, cruelty and violence, and the intertwining of personal and political elements. It also touches on the mother-daughter relationship in the context of cultural and national identity.

  6. Essays as a Reflection of Current Times: The discussion suggests that the best contemporary essays, like Fan's, can encapsulate significant aspects of the current human experience, from intimate personal narratives to broader social and political issues.

  7. Series Conclusion and Future Plans: The podcast wraps up the series on essays and announces plans to release a compilation of episodes discussing various essays from Montaigne to Ta-Nehisi Coates, starting on Christmas Day.

Overall, the episode provides an insightful exploration of the essay as a literary form, its evolution, and its relevance in contemporary times, using Jie Yang Fan's essay as a prime example of the genre's enduring power and significance.