Introducing Untold: The Retreat

PODCAST:Behind the Money
TITLE:Introducing Untold: The Retreat
DATE:2024-01-11 00:00:00

This episode of "Behind the Money" introduces "Untold: The Retreat," a new investigative podcast series from the Financial Times' Special Investigations Team. The podcast is set to explore the intense experiences of individuals at meditation retreats. The narrative begins with a vivid description of a typical day at such a retreat, highlighting the rigorous discipline, including early morning wake-ups, meditation sessions, and the struggle to maintain focus while dealing with physical discomfort and hunger.

The series promises to delve into the darker side of these retreats, where some participants suffer significant psychological distress. It describes cases where attendees experience terror, a break from reality, or even a psychotic break, leading to lasting mental health issues. The narrative implies that these retreats, which aim to enhance mental well-being, can sometimes have the opposite effect.

"Untold: The Retreat" aims to provide an investigative look into the complex and often unspoken aspects of meditation retreats. The series is set to launch in January and is part of the Financial Times' commitment to deep investigative journalism.