Heart and Soul: Religion in the 21st Century: Islam

PODCAST:The Documentary Podcast
TITLE:Heart and Soul: Religion in the 21st Century: Islam
DATE:2024-01-26 00:00:00

This episode of "The Documentary Podcast" from the BBC World Service, titled "Heart and Soul Religion in the 21st Century: Islam," explores the practice of Islam among young Muslims. The host, Yasmin Hetalanduwan, a practicing Muslim herself, engages in a rich discussion with three young Muslims from different parts of the world: Osman Hafiz, an 18-year-old high school student from the United States with Sudanese origins; Kazna Aska, a fashion designer from Sheffield, UK, with Yemeni heritage; and Aksanosh, a 27-year-old lawyer from Istanbul, Turkey.

The discussion begins with the concept of the Ummah, the global community of Muslims, and how each guest connects with this idea despite their diverse backgrounds. They discuss how their Islamic faith has shaped their sense of community, emphasizing values like selflessness and service to others. For instance, Aksanosh mentions how her family's principles guided her career choices, prioritizing professions that benefit the Ummah.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of hijab and modesty in Islam. Aksanosh shares her personal experience with the hijab ban in Turkey and how wearing the hijab was both a spiritual and political act for her. Osman discusses the hijab's broader meaning, encompassing not just physical attire but also behavior and character. Kazna talks about her experience as a visibly Muslim fashion designer and how her designs aim to empower Muslim women in a space where they often feel underrepresented.

Social media's role in educating young Muslims about their faith is another critical topic. Osman, who runs a popular Islamic trivia platform, highlights how digital media can be a powerful tool for engaging and educating young people about Islam. He stresses the need for religious institutions to adapt to modern methods of communication to appeal to younger audiences.

Towards the end of the episode, the guests reflect on what it means to be young and Muslim in today's world. They express a sense of honor and responsibility in practicing their faith amidst global challenges. Aksanosh emphasizes the importance of raising one's voice and staying connected to the Ummah while nurturing one's spiritual side.

Overall, the episode provides insights into how young Muslims navigate their faith in a rapidly changing world, maintaining a balance between tradition and modernity.